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Sunday, 11 December 2016

Style of India by Geeta Khanna

By Geeta Khanna
2016, 34 cm., pp. 315, illustrations, 1 map
Price Rs. 7225 / US$ 130.77

About the Book :
'A sumptuous work drawing on immense research, this volume is a remarkable view of the evolution of style in India – an ambitious and instant magnum opus that will change the way that we look at dress and fashion in the subcontinent.' – Dr Amin Jaffer
A lavish work that will thrill and delight, Style of India is a stunning kaleidoscopic view of the evolution of style in India – an ambitious and lavish volume that will be forever a collectible. This spectacular volume traverses an incredible breadth of history, offering a panoramic view of the defining moments – the cultural factors, historical compulsions and mystical concepts – that have intersected over time and propelled the evolution of style in the country over millennia. Bringing together over 300 stunning visuals from archival material and gorgeous recreations of drapes and accessories over centuries, accompanied by perceptive essays, this unique book weaves a compelling chronicle from pre-history and the Harappan civilization through the princely states, the freedom movement and regimental uniforms to the era of Hindi cinema and contemporary Indian fashion to throw a spotlight on the unique story of Indian style.
An unforgettable pictorial journey through the history of style in India, Style of India is a full-colour deluxe collectible edition that will be treasured by among style connoisseurs for years to come.

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Eastern Book Corporation
124, Chanderlok Enclave
Pitampura, Delhi 110034

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Chalcolithic South Asia Aspects of Crafts and Technologies

by Vasant Shinde, Shweta Sinha Deshpande, Amrita Sarkar
isbn 9788182749085, pp. 244 Rs. 1895 / Us$ 29.15

Technology forms an important aspect of culture, as it gauges the economic and social developments of a society during its various phases. The rate of technological change that took place until the Chalcolithic was slow and that spread over a long period of time. For, that was in response to the basic social needs, like the search for food and shelter. However, 5,000 years ago during the Chalcolithic period, a momentous cultural transition began which generated new needs and resources. That was accompanied by a significant increase in technological innovation.

In this book, an attempt has been made to explore the possibility of reconstructing various aspects of Chalcolithic technologies in South Asia. In order to reconstruct that, the archaeological evidences related to the craft and manufacture and the ethnographic data of the modern communities, which is technologically at par with the Chalcolithic, have been considered. 

Saturday, 19 November 2016

An Era of Darkness The British Empire in India by Shash Tharoor

An Era of Darkness The British Empire in India

Shashi Tharoor

2016 ISBN 9789383064656 US$ 10.75

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In this explosive book, bestselling author Shashi Tharoor reveals with acuity, impeccable research, and trademark wit, just how disastrous British rule was for India. Besides examining the many ways in which the colonizers exploited India, ranging from the drain of national resources to Britain, the destruction of the Indian textile, steel-making and shipping industries, and the negative transformation of agriculture, he demolishes the arguments of Western and Indian apologists for Empire on the supposed benefits of British rule, including democracy and political freedom, the rule of law, and the railways. The few unarguable benefits—the English language, tea, and cricket—were never actually intended for the benefit of the colonized but introduced to serve the interests of the colonizers. Brilliantly narrated and passionately argued, An Era of Darkness will serve to correct many misconceptions about one of the most contested periods of Indian history.

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Natyasastram Ascribed to Bharata Muni 2 Vols.

Natyasastram Ascribed to Bharata Muni 2 Vols.

A Treatise on Ancient Indian Dramaturgy and Histrionics
Manomohan Ghosh (Intro)
2016, isbn 9789385005831 Rs. 2120.75 / US$ 38.38

The Natya sastra had been accepted as fifth Veda, as the same is gist of Vedas. According to scripture itself, "The recitative (pathya) he took from the Rgveda, the song from the Samaveda, the Histrionic Representation (abhinaya) from the Yajurveda and Sentiments (rasa) from the Atharvaveda and thus was created the Natyaveda.
With thirty-six chapters and over six thousand verses, this is encyclopaedia of Natya Vidya (Vidya of dance, drama and music). This comprises of every single aspect of Natya viz. it talks about the issues related literary constructions, set up of stage, details related to musical scales and murcchas, analysis of dance forms which considers several body gestures or mudras and movements along with their impact on viewers, it also educates the viewers about the etiquettes to be followed while watching a performance and it deals with Rasas.
Bharata muni describes 15 types of drama ranging from one to ten acts. Individual chapters deal with aspects such as makeup, costume, acting and directing etc.
With detailed theory of drama, Natyasastra is comparable to the Poetics of Aristotle. Bharata Muni refers to bhavas, the imitations of emotions, as per him eight principal rasas are srngara rasa (love), karunya rasa (pity), Raudra rasa (fury), Vibhatsa rasa (disgust), Vira rasa (heroism), Adbhuta rasa (wonder), Bhyanaka rasa (horrific) and Hasyarasa (comedy) however Mahamahesvara Abhinava gupta who wrote a commentary on it also, later setup ninth rasa the santa rasa and said all the other rasas are part of it.
The Natyasastra is the first major text that deals with music at length. It is considered the defining treatise of Indian classical music until the 13th century, when the stream bifurcated into Hindustani classical music in North India and Carnatic classical music in South India; the stronghold of the Hindu kingdoms. Even till date its strict follow up can be seen in performing arts of south India.
With major focus on musical instruments in its musical art narration the Natyasastra also talks about several aspects of musical performance, particularly its application to vocal, instrumental and orchestral compositions. Natyasastra also talks about jatis which are the origin of the notion of modern melodic structures called ragas.
The present edition is critical edition with Samskrta text, transliteration, annotated English translation along with detailed index, which makes it very useful for research scholars, performing arts experts and enthusiasts.

Friday, 11 November 2016



by Samar Khan & Sonali Kokra
ISBN 9789385285257, Rs. 3400 (free shipping by India post) / US$ 61.54

A collection of 30 essays from directors who worked closely with India’s biggest and the most successful super star SRK. These stories offer an intimate and honest picture of Shah Rukh the actor and how he became SRK the icon. SRK — 25 Years of a Life’ looks at Shah Rukh through the eyes of the directors who transformed him into unforgettable characters in every film. A deeply personal and professional account of SRK, the actor, as seen by these film-makers and what makes him a living legend. The design of the book is inspired by the Bollywood hand-painted film posters.

These iconic portraits transform paint into living, breathing characters from SRK’s movies.

Books on Indian Cinema

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Architecture in India by M.A. Dhaky

Architecture in India
History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, Volume VI, Part 2
M.A. Dhaky (Ed.) & D.P. Chattopadhyaya (Gen. Ed.)
US$ 33.85 or Rs. 2200

In "Architecture in India" an attempt is made to present a panoramic view of the development of art and architecture during the early and the medieval periods of Indian history in the whole country from Kashmir in the north to Kerala in the South, from Maharashtra in the west to Bengal in the east. Altogether there are sixteen research papers which have given authentic accounts about the material, technique, style and idiom of the prominent religious and secular architectural structures, sculptures and other historical monuments constructed at different times under the patronage of various rulers of great kingdoms.
The volumes of the PROJECT ON THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE IN INDIAN CIVILIZATION aim at discovering the main aspects of India’s heritage and present them in an interrelated way. In spite of their unitary look, these volumes recognize the difference between the areas of material civilization and those of ideational culture. The project is not being executed by a single group of thinkers and writers who are methodologically uniform or ideologically identical in their commitments. The Project is marked by what may be called ‘methodological pluralism”. Inspite of its primarily historical character, this project, both in its conceptualization and execution, has been shaped by scholars drawn from different disciplines. It is for the first time that an endeavour of such a unique and comprehensive character has been undertaken to study critically a major world civilization like India.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Khajuraho by Raghu Rai isbn 9788192693903


by Raghu Rai & Usha Rai

isbn 9788192693903 Rs. 2250 (for India only) / US$ 46.15

About the book :

The spiritual and sensual worlds co-exist in the exquisite temples of Khajuraho built between the 10th and 12th century by the ruling Chandella Kings in Central India. A vigorous architectural movement swept through their reign dotting the landscape of Mahoba, Kalinjar and Ajaygarh with palaces, tanks and temples, but it was at Khajuraho that the Chandella kings reached the zenith of their creativity. Of the 85 glorious temples that they constructed, just 23 remain in various stages of preservation.

The spurt in temple construction coincided with the resurgence of Hinduism. Along with temples dedicated to Lord Vishu and Lord Shiva are shrines devoted to the Jain Tirthankaras. Constructed as per Vaastu Shastra, most temples face east and the first rays of the sun fall on the feet of the main deity in the sanctum sanctorum rousing deep feelings of divinity.

Though the erotic sculptures of Khajuraho overwhelm visitors, they account for just two per cent of the temple carvings. Most of the decorations are essentially religious. Erotic decorations feature mainly in the Shiva temples. The spine according to the tantric theories current in the Chandella period, was likened to the serpent of energy, kundalini, stretching from the base of the sacrum to the crown of the head, supporting the six stages (chakras) of spiritual evolution. Each of these stages must be awakened to transmute sexual
energy into pure spirituality for attaining union with the divine.

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THE SUN TEMPLE OF KONARK by Anil Dev ISBN 9789385285431

by Anil Dey
2016, ISBN 9789385285431
Price US$ 23.00 / Rs. 1166.00 (for India only)

About the Book : First book that provides an in-depth analysis of the Konark Sun Temple’s architecture and construction techniques. 

Historical evidences are scant and scattered. Historians have tried to fill the voids with legends. Though legends are not evidence per se, they do carry a seed of truth somewhere. The lost engineering techniques of several great temples have not received the importance they deserve. This is true for Konark too. In The Sun Temple of Konark, the author attempts to separate chaff from grain utilising scientific tools and methodologies. 

The Sun Temple has been recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is considered one of the seven wonders of India. This seminal volume is the result of extensive research by the author into not only the history and legends related to the temple, but also the legends on the temple. An engineer and architect by profession, the author examines the architecture and engineering of the temple in great detail. He questions several of the established theories regarding construction in its various stages and forwards his own theories with reasonable conviction. He takes great pains to go into as much detail as possible with regard to each and every portion, monument, and sculpture of the temple. 

With 415 images and 21 detailed architectural drawings, the book is a treasure trove for any admirer or student of Konark, or a researcher of its art, history, and architecture.

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Sunday, 17 July 2016

MAHISASURAMARDINI The Great Warrior Goddess

MAHISASURAMARDINI : The Great Warrior Goddess

by Sanjaya Kumar Mahapatra isbn 9789385161285
Rs. 1575 / US$ 29.08

Books presents Mahisasuramardini art of Orissa and of India highlighting the evolving iconography of individual images with special reference to the Silpa and incorporates historical development and the emergence of Mahisasuramardini in religious traditions beyond Hindu pantheon... 
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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Christianity in Indian History Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge,-power-and-knowledge

Christianity in Indian History: Issues of Culture, Power and Knowledge

Edited by Pius Malekandathil, Joy L.K. Pachuau and Tanika Sarkar
ISBN 9789384082666 Rs. 1487.50  / US$ 25.58

About the book : This volume is a collection of wide ranging essays on Indian Christianity and Christian missionaries in India. It attempts to identify and reflect upon Christianity’s regional and temporal variations from Early Modern times, its links with global Christian institutions and movements, its diverse cultural practices, and its relationship with caste and class. The essays herein underline the existence of many Christianities in Indian history, their mutual linkages, their exchanges and interactions as well as their debates with other Indian religions and communities. They anchor Christian historical experiences within a larger Indian modernity and identify the specificities and influences of Christian identities as well as locate their intermeshing with other Indian identities.

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Dragon's Uproar Over Hills - China's Intursion in Northeast India's-uproar-over-hills:-china's-intursion-in-northeast-india

Dragon's Uproar Over Hills: China's Intursion in Northeast India

by Charu Lata Singh ISBN 9789383316472, Rs. 1036 / US$ 17.93

Abiout the Book : As China continues to apply sustained military pressure on India’s borders in the midst of visits exchanged between the two countries’ leaders and senior officials, China’s official media continues to publicise articles intended to caution India that China retains the option of initiating military hostilities. The number of articles stating that China will have to resort to  military force to settle outstanding border disputes has increased since 2010, with the intensification of the disputes in the South China Sea and especially with Japan. They coincide with the ‘rise’ in China’s economic and military might. Interestingly, Chinese officials routinely advise their Indian counterparts to rein in the Indian media whose ‘jingoistic’ tenor apparently imposes strains on India-China relations. North East Asia has been forcefully thrust in the global strategic consciousness as in the run-up to 2014 China has switched over from its much publicised and much trumpeted ‘peaceful rise of China’ to a robust and unabashed use of China’s ‘hard power’ accumulated in the last decade without any checkmating. Gone are the US think tanks treatises emphasising and glorifying the use of China’s ‘soft power’. As the book addresses this crucial issue quite deftly, it is hoped that it would prove to be a source of great information for the reader.

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Thursday, 30 June 2016

Early History of Varanasi : Recent Excavations at Rajghat

 Early History of Varanasi

Early History of Varanasi : Recent Excavations at Rajghat

Vidula Jayaswal & B.R. Mani
2016, ISBN 9788173055485, xx+166, 8 pages plates, ills. b/w & col.
US$ 33.23 (shipping extra)

Contents : Cuttings and Stratigraphy Pre-Northern Black Polished Ware Period I The Northern Black Polished Ware Period II Post-Northern Black Polished Ware Period III The Kushan Period IV Summary

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Potteries of South and East Asia through the Ages

Potteries of South and East Asia through the Ages (3 Vols)

D.P. Sharma (Ed.)2016, ISBN 9789350502440, 29 cm, xliv+754, Ills. 205Price US$ 207.69 (Free Shipping)

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Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Temple Architecture and Imagery of South and Southeast Asia

Prasadanidhi: Papers Presented to Professor M.A. Dhaky
Edited by Parul Pandya Dhar & Gerd J. R. Mevissen
2016, ISBN 9788173055508, 31 cm., pp. lxxii+453p., illustrations (partly col.)
Price US$ 69.09 or Rs. 3713.00

About the Book :

This Volume is a tribute of professor M.A. Dhaky's profound and influrntial scholarship by an international community of well-known scholars in the field of south and Southeast Asian temple art and architecture. The thirty-two essays that make this book unfold many layers of the temple's imagery, taking a broad view and traversing religious, cultural, and temporal boundaries. While a majority of these are rooted in India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Cambodia, and Vietnam also figure prominently.

Preceded by valuable insights into M.A. Dhaky's encyclopaedic writings, the volume is configured along six sub-themes inspired by his contributions to the discipline. These include the architectonics of temples, their varied materials and milieus, stylistics, patronage and transregional connections; studies of architectural elements in culture-specific contexts; inter-relationships between sculpture and architecture in the temple's larger narrative; the embodiment of cult icons; other non-cultic manifestations on the temple; ritual observances and performance traditions. Several of the essays move in and out of M.A. Dhaky's writings, building upon themes addressed by him, extending his methods to newer materials, regions, and time-frames, and charting fresh paths that extend the orbit of temple studies.

Scholars and interested readers will find in this volume a thoughtful and cohesive collection of the most recent and insightful research on art historical aspects of South and Southeast Asian temples by the finest minds engaged in the field.

Contents: Foreword; Kapila Vatsyayan; Acknowledgements; Message: Pradeep Mehendiratta; Dhaky Saheb: Reminiscences; Devangana Desai; The Indian Art History Congress; R. D. Choudhury; Colour Plates; Temple Architecture and Imagery: An Introduction; Parul Pandya Dhar and Gerd J. R. Mevissen; Pioneering Perspectives: The Temple in M.A. Dhaky's Writings; Parul Pandya Dhar; Writings in Regional Languages by M. A. Dhaky; Hemant Dave; Bibliography of M. A. Dhaky's Publications; 1. Architectural Styles, Modes, Materials, and Milieus; 2. Architectural Elements; 3. Architecture and the Configuration of Imagery; 4. Embodying the Deity; 5. Inhabiting the Temple; 6. Piety, Society, and Ritual Performance; The Contributors.

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Eastern Book Corporation

Tuesday, 23 February 2016


Winged Fire A Celebration of Indian Birds

Valmik Thapar
2016, 24 cm., ISBN 9789383064694, pp. 482 (col. ills.)
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About the Book :

India has more than 1,200 species of birds. The richness and diversity of the country's birdlifehas been celebrated by thousands of ornithologists, birders and amateur naturalists forhundreds of years. Winged Fire brings together the best accounts, pictures and art on our birds.

Contributors include luminaries like Babur, Abu'l-Fazl, Jahangir, Franois Pyrard,Edward Hamilton Aitken, Douglas Dewar, Jim Corbett, Colonel Kesri Singh, F. W. Champion,Salim Ali, E. P. Gee, A. Mervyn Smith, Hugh Allen, Kenneth Anderson, M. Krishnan, KhushwantSingh, R. S. Dharmakumarsinhji, E. R. C. Davidar, Zafar Futehally, Ruskin Bond, A. J. T. Singh,Peter Smetacek, Irwin Allan Sealy, Rishad Naoroji, and Bulbul Sharma.An essay by Ramki Sreenivasan provides a detailed account of the major species and theirdistribution, behaviour and habitats.

Winged Fire is the last book in the trilogy-that also includes Wild Fire and Tiger Fire-put together by Valmik Thapar; taken together, these books give the reader an extraordinary view of India's wildlife.

Saturday, 20 February 2016


Painting & Photography at the Jaipur Court

Painting & Photography At the Jaipur Court

Giles Tillotson & Mrinalini Venkateswaran
2016, ISBN 9789385285165 US$ 57.38 & Rs. 3200

About the Book :

From its very inception in 1727, Jaipur has drawn upon the arts to carve a niche for itself. This book tells the story of the visual arts in Jaipur over a period of more than two centuries, highlighting the dual roles of its rulers as patrons who commissioned works from their own court artists, and as collectors who acquired works from elsewhere. In the special case of Maharaja Sawai Ram Singh II, it also encompasses the creation of art, as he was an accomplished amateur photographer.

The story begins with paintings from the 18th century, from the period of the founder Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, up to that of Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh, under whose reign painting in particular flourished. It then captures the excitement of the late 19th century when the camera competed with but also complemented the artist’s brush under Maharaja Sawai Ram Singh II.

The story concludes with images from the eventful years leading to Indian Independence and its aftermath overseen by Maharaja Sawai Madho Singh II and Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II, bringing us up to the mid-20th century.

This volume is the fourth in a new series of publications illustrating the collections of the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace, Jaipur. It accompanies a new gallery dedicated to painting and photography that opened in 2015, showcasing a selection of two hundred paintings and photographs. Specially commissioned chapters on painting and photography in Jaipur expand on the scope of the exhibition and draw together the latest research on the collection. Other books in the series are: Festivals at the Jaipur Court, by Vibhuti Sachdev Arms & Armour at the Jaipur Court, by Robert Elgood and Textiles & Garments at the Jaipur Court, by Rahul Jain.


By Rahul Jain
2016, ISBN 9789385285042, 29 cm pp. 284 (fully illustrated)
US$ 60.40 & Rs. 3200 (Free Delivery)

About the Book :

 'Textile & Garments at the Jaipur Court' is one in a series illustrating the collections of the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace Jaipur. Others in the series are Festivals at the Jaipur Court by Vibhuti Sachdev, and Arms and Armour at the Jaipur Court by Robert Elgood.

This is the first comprehensive overview of the court textiles of the Kachhwaha Rajput court of Amber-Jaipur, which were among the finest ever produced in India.

 While a few thousand historical pieces survive in the Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum in the City Palace, Jaipur, many now reside in art collections across the world. Over 200 full colour images showcase some of the most remarkable court textiles remaining in Jaipur and preserved elsewhere.